Thursday, March 7, 2013

12 2012 Favorites #1

Okay, only thirteen days left in the year. And it's kinda freaking me out because I'm trying to eat up at least ten more books within these days. You see, I read a grand total of 65 books last year, and I wanna top that. 57 down, at least nine more to go. So I decided we'd highlight some of our favorite books of the year. I actually do have a lot this year, even though after starting the blog and reviews I haven't really read the best books. (I'm still wondering if this is a weird curse or something...) But at the beginning of the year I read a few awesome ones. Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday is definitely a favorite. I read this book really really early, like in February and I kinda doubt that's when I read it sometimes. It feels like way longer than that. 

Anyways that's not the point, the point this book is really awesome. I mean it even had a pretty cover, how wrong can you go with something that looks so promising? Not really wrong. It's a murder mystery and a hilarious one at that. In fact, the characters are all kinda funny in their own ways, and the book is really upbeat. You'd think it would be all serious and depressing. Now, as for solving it, I wasn't really sure who was the master mind behind it all. I read a few reviews of people saying it was such a simple mystery to solve. But I guess I'm just kinda slow there. I had my suspicious but wasn't really sure. Bottom line, this book is really great, even it's sequel Social Suicide lives up to it's glory. 

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